Company organization
The Management Project Support DESM-OS E.M.TH. – Financial Advisory, is a civil non-profit company that functions as an intermediary, for the purpose of taking up and management of Community programs and initiatives to develop and modernization of SMEs (Small, Medium and Big Enterprises) in the Region of Eastern Macedonia – Thrace.
The organization is governed by Article 741 of the Civil Code, and the company’s premises are located at Komotini, behind Ifaistos Village (Opisthen Oikismou Ifaistou).
The purpose of the civil company is to manage, as an intermediate carrier, community programs and initiatives for the development and modernization of SMEs in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. (Article 3 of the Articles of Association)
The officers who direct and manage the affairs of the company are:
- General Committee
- The Board
- The Management Committee whose members are two (2) and defined as follows:
– One (1) member from the Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace
– One (1) member of the Chambers
The powers and responsibilities of each of the governing bodies is defined in Articles 7,8,9,10,11 of the Company.
- The Project Leader appointed by the Board of Directors has the responsibility of implementing approved projects.
- They are completely responsible to deal with the financial transactions between the ministry and the final beneficiaries in respect of eligible costs.
- The executives (project managers) employed in the intermediary agency have a managerial and an advisory role. Specifically, they are responsible for the degree of implementation in projects by providing all the necessary information, experience and advice to beneficiaries.
Reports are prepared and sent by the executives of the intermediary agency
The reports are those arising from the signed contract of the intermediary agency ensuring the protocols set out by the Contracting Authority